Image Source: catherinegarceau.com
In 2010, Canadian Olympic athlete Catherine Garceau rang the alarm bells for very high levels of chlorine in Olympic training pools. She enumerated the symptoms that came in the aftermath of her bronze medal run as part of her country’s synchronized swim team in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
Reportedly, Garceau had acquired complications in her digestive system, chronic bronchitis, and frequent migraines. These she and her doctors attributed to training in pools with very high levels of chlorine.

Image Source: triathlon.competitor.com
While Garceau’s time spent submerged in swimming pools as an athlete is infinitely greater than that of leisure swimmers, her physiological complications still challenge the long-running pool maintenance practice of using chlorine as a bacteria-killing agent. In pool hygiene terms, chlorine is by far the viable option other than the deep blue sea. The question remains whether the chemical is intrinsically harmful or pool maintenance practices are simply overdoing it.
Garceau’s own investigation clears chlorine enough of total culpability. Her research led her to a string of other agents that could interact with chlorine to produce nefarious health issues. Some of these are taken-for-granted substances like sunscreen, sweat, urine, and other dermal agents. In better days, these are the ignored killjoys of a pleasant dip.

Image Source: topnews.in
In-depth studies of chlorine application and diseases associated with it, however, also single out chlorine derivatives that increase health risks. Their effects are further aggravated by their application in indoor swimming pools, where they may be interiorly trapped. These fumes could also be inhaled by pool visitors.
These studies belie the need for disinfected pools. To date, substitutes for chlorine have not been discovered, so the best compromise for leisure swimmers is temperance. As for athletes…perhaps the deep blue sea?
There may be other ways to temper chlorine dependency. Pool builders such as Blue World Pools could also prioritize designs on outdoor pools. The mechanics of installing and maintaining pools are still best left to experts. To scout swimming pool trends, visit this website.