Friday, October 31, 2014

REPOST: ‘We want a 50m swimming pool’

In Hove, England, swimming enthusiasts and sports advocates are campaigning for the installation of a 50-meter pool within the King Alfred Leisure Centre on the seafront of the city. Among the campaigners were Olympic diver Chris Mears and swimming champion Karen Pickering. Read the full story below:

50m pool campaigners outside Hove Town Hall | Image source:

CAMPAIGNERS made a splash as they called on the council to support plans for a new Olympic-sized swimming pool in the city.

Swimming fans presented a petition signed by more than 2,000 people, including Olympic diver Chris Mears and swimming champion Karen Pickering MBE, to Brighton and Hove City Council on Thursday night.

Nearly 100 supporters gathered outside Hove Town Hall and called on councillors to support the idea of installing a 50m pool within any redevelopment of the King Alfred Leisure Centre on the seafront in Hove.

Swimming clubs across the city came together in support of the plan.

Neil Davies, chairman of the Brighton Dolphin Swimming Club, said: “It is about having a sporting facility for the city. We need more as they are rather lacking.

“To have a 50m pool would encourage competitions and while we are known for culture and creativity we should raise the profile of the sport side.

“We have three clubs vying for space and time in the city’s pools and the 50m pool would help.”

Brighton and Hove City Council has formally notified the development industry of its desire to create a new high quality leisure facility to replace the leisure centre.

A trade press advert seeking interest was published last Saturday as the project went out to tender.

The council is hoping to see the creation of a residential site of around 400 homes and a new leisure centre.

The petition was supported by Mike Weatherly, conservative MP for Hove, who spoke on behalf of the petitioners in the meeting.

He said: “The beauty of a flexible 50m facility is that every now and then, perhaps during the early mornings and Friday evenings, it would be transformed into all of its 50m glory and used by the more serious swimmers – many of whom are children.

“There are large economic benefits too. A 50m pool that can be used for galas will attract teams from all around the country and, indeed, the continent. These teams will use our local hotels and local restaurants.

“They will use our shops and spend money at our attractions. Any other configuration will fail in that regard.”

Blue World Pools offers high-quality above ground pools and professional installation at affordable prices. For inquiries, visit this website.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

REPOST: Is there such a thing as an eco-swimming pool?

Eco-friendly swimming pools are not just a trend anymore. They’ve become a necessity to fight water scarcity and secure a more sustainable future. The Guardian lists down ways people can make their pools greener and better for the environment.

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Is there such a thing as an environmentally friendly swimming pool?

I learnt to swim as a young girl in late 1980s London, where the closest you could get to eco-friendly swimming was a big sign at the local leisure centre reading “OOL: notice there is no P in this pool, please keep it that way.”

At the time, I took for granted school swimming lessons, Sunday mornings at Acton swimming baths, and summers spent in ramshackle houses in the French countryside where ‘la piscine’ took centre stage.

Twenty-five years on, our relationship with water is changing. The municipal pools and piscines françaises are still there - joined now by their increasingly affluent holiday resort cousins - but so are stories of widespread drought in California, water-related food insecurity in Djibouti, dams being used as weapons of war in the Middle East, and a UN prediction that by 2030 almost 50% of the global population could be facing water scarcity.

In this light, it’s hard to see swimming pools as anything besides luxury indulgences that intensify the difference between the haves and have nots. So what are the options for sustainable swimming pools, and are they anything more than bluewash?

Natural pools

Natural pools such as those designed by Bristol-based company Clear Water Revival is a chemical-free, relatively low-tech and affordable way to create an eco-friendly outdoor pool. To build the structure, materials such as gravel and clay are used in place of concrete and fibreglass, and aquatic plants replace chlorine and expensive mechanical filtering systems with natural purification that enriches the pool with oxygen, supports beneficial bacteria, and provides a natural habitat for aquatic life.

Spanish architectural firm Urbanarbolismo specialises in the integration of nature into architecture, designing green roofs and vertical gardens as well as natural pools. They incorporate edible plants such as cress, celery and mint into the design of their ‘piscinas naturales’, as well as small fish and native shrimp to eat mosquito larvae and other unwanted insects.

Moss Bros

Like natural pools, moss-filtered pools reduce the need for chemicals such as chlorine and algaecide since they inhibit the growth of microorganisms. This also reduces water consumption as there is less frequent need to ‘backwash’ the pool to clean it, a process that sends water to waste.

The University of Maryland uses moss to filter two on-campus pools, calculating that this system reduces chemical use by 40% and water consumption by 75%, while saving the university $6,663 (£4,064) per year after moss costs.

Turning up the heat

When the time came for Stanhope Open Air Swimming Pool in County Durham to replace its four boilers recently, the pool’s chairman sought the help of renewable energy experts Opus Green to help it come up with a sustainable energy solution. The result is a plan to install two new energy efficient condensing boilers and 38 solar PV panels which are expected to reduce the council’s contribution to the pool’s annual energy costs by approximately 20%.

Although the US has been slow to catch on to the use of solar heating in homes and businesses since low natural gas prices have traditionally undercut the costs of solar water heating, there’s nothing new about using solar heating in swimming pools, in America and beyond.

In the Netherlands, Raalte’s local swimming pool is heated by warmth from wastewater. Every hour, 40,000 litres of purified wastewater is transported from the wastewater treatment plant to the pool, where heat exchangers extract heat from the wastewater, making it possible to heat the swimming pool water to 30C. This new system saves the pool an average of €57,000 on gas and reduces its carbon dioxide emissions by 137,000kg per year.

Skimming the surface

For those just dipping their toes into the world of sustainable swimming pools, there are a whole range of options to get started with. Covering a pool when its not in use can significantly reduce evaporation and helps to retain heat. Likewise using a windbreak has been demonstrated to make a notable difference to both energy retention and reduced evaporation.

Where pool maintenance is concerned, Poolcare Leisure has calculated that fixing small leaks matter: for each drop of water lost per second, 8,000 litres of water are lost per year. Likewise, cleaning a pool regularly prevents the build up of algae that, in a non-natural pool, may otherwise lead to the depolyment of additional chemicals.

Pooling resources

And finally to sharing. While owning a private pool may be a status symbol, there’s a growing sharing movement that sees neighbours lend everything from cars to tools to dogs which could easily embrace the shared swimming pool too.

One woman doing just that is Jessie Hayes from Queensland. She said: “I love my pool, but I’m also aware that water is a precious resource. My husband and I decided to offer swims in our pool to our neighbours through Streetbank. So far we’ve had four families take us up on the offer - in the main, we just leave them to it. It’s great hearing the squeals as the kids dive in.”

Blue World Pools is a one-stop shop for affordable and top-of-the-line swimming pools and maintenance services. Click here to learn how you can transform your backyard into your own eco-friendly resort at a price you can afford.